Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic Time!

Hello Everyone!! I just thought I would post some pictures of what's been happening the last few weeks here in Qingdao (and also some pics/shot-outs to my friends back home). The last week I've had teacher training/orientation and we here at QMIS are in FULL SWING. Working at an international school is COMPLETELY different than what I pictured working for a public U.S. school back home. Let's just say, they are on top of their game in EVERY aspect. This is why I love working here so much already. If you have talents, they put you to work in that specific area. Why? BECAUSE you were given gifts/talents for a reason-to edify and serve others. So, with that in mind, I will just say that the school overall is VERY concentrated in all aspects. There is NO dilution here whatsoever. In other news, our apartment rennovations are coming along just fine and we FINALLY got water this week, a rice cooker, we got a kong tiao (brownie points to the first person who can tell me what it is), I got to take my FIRST hot shower in three weeks, and we got an ayi (also more brownie points, D.O.) Needless to say, it's been a big week. Also the OLYMPICS are HERE TODAY! The city has been filled with spirit and everyone is practicing their Chinese national song. Sailboats and ships line the harbor every morning on the walk to school and the soldier's efforts in cleaning up the harbor have been phenomenal-no more algae in site, which means swim time for me EVERY afternoon after school. The beaches here in China are GORGEOUS and the water is crisp and cool-almost like a spring or river. It could ALMOST substitute for a bath (colby and d.o.-i know you agree with this one) but the salty part is a kicker-although it is an excellent in helping keep us buoyant for the hour long swims. At night, the city is lit up with all sorts of light and laser shows you can view from the harbor and there are foreigners from ALL walks of life EVERYWHERE. I. LOVE. THE. OLYMPICS! I have to say, I'm glad I packed a U.S.A. t-shirt. On the work side of things, I got a new job title: I'm the assitant Head Athletic Director, Head Health Department, Climbing Rock Wall Coordinator, and whatever else they tag on. I have to say I'm ecstatic about my job titles and responsibilities; it couldn't have been a better match for me, right guys and gals? Honestly, I can see myself here for years in Qingdao. I have the LaoShan mountains right behind me at a brisk 30 minutes away or right out my front door step I have the calm Yellow Sea that provides me with night time music to my ears, a day time place to hang out with locals, and an all around place where I can escape from everything and dwell in his presence. That is what I love most about it here in QD. OK, well I hope the pictures suffice. I would LOVE to skype and hear all about what's going on state-side. Miss you all, I'll post in a week or two.
ps, Chinese lesson are coming along GREAT


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the brownie points! Do I still get to keep them if I don't know what an "ayi" is? I mean, I'm thinking "eye-yee!" the way the Chinese say it when something goes wrong... but I'm not so sure that's what you're talking about...

Sweet pics. Thanks for sharing.


Joy said...

Kayla Ryan! I loved all the pictures and I miss seeing your face so much! You warm my heart sweet sister! Love you so!

Anonymous said...

Hi honey!!!
Just wanted to tell you today how much I love you and miss your smiling face!!! Have a wonderful day today!!! Wish I could hug you today...